BuzzBenefit for apps without points system
Make Earning and Point Usage Possible

How can our app grow without points or even payment features?
Adding ads becomes tricky when users have nowhere to use their accumulated points.

Spam prevention app manager A
Users frequently visit our app, but they just check the weather briefly and leave, so ads can’t make any revenue.

Weather app manger B
We want to give rewards like points to users when they purchase items in our game!

Game app manager C
Introducing BuzzStore
Even apps without points system can now easily build your own point
Existing BuzzBenefit ad inventories can now be linked to BuzzStore, allowing users to access point benefits from anywhere.
We provide intuitive bottom/front sheets that don't compromise user experience, allowing us to showcase reward ad participation for point accrual and usage opportunities.
Bottom Sheet

Front Sheet

1. Convert to NaverPay points
The points can be easily converted to Naver Pay points, which can be used both online and offline, anywhere you go.

2. Transfer to my bank account
The points you've earned are literally "cash." You can transfer them to your bank account.

3. Surprise benefits, gacha items
Join the fun and excitement of winning rewards through our item drawing feature.

4. Use points to make purchases
Instantly purchase a variety of items, from mobile culture vouchers to franchise coffee coupons.
Simplifying the process of earning and redeeming points is crucial for app growth
Connect BuzzStore from any of BuzzBenefit's inventories
Entry point to the point system
Pop / In-app-pop

Earn points instantly by watching ads

Use points lightly and enjoyably
We offer personalized entry points to direct users to BuzzStore, which are tailored to match the app's distinctive features, such as size, format, color, and shape.

Browse more opportunities to earn points
Benefit Hub

Effects of BuzzBenefit
The power to attract users to your app: Rewards
We enhance the appeal of app visits by linking ad inventories tailored to the app's characteristics to generate ad revenue, and returning rewards to users.

Point-earning user rate of Utility app C
Users who earned points among all users
Users who earned points among all users
The average daily usage increase of all app users
KRW 738

Development Team. Lee Yong-hee
Our app has a loyal user base, but we received a lot of VOC requesting for an expansion of our app's content. However, most external services only offer API integration, which was a concern for us. But Buzzvil's SDK was easy to integrate and provided customization options to fit our app's UI/UX. Thanks to this, we were able to meet our user's needs and generate revenue, leading to our app's growth.
Provide dedicated consulting
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Success Stories
Boost app engagement and revenue at once
Expanding the power of points with a beloved membership
Enhance benefits by adding ad points to payment rewards
Enabling point usage even in non-reward utility apps